Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Spring In London by Ilana Tan...

hunyu temen" XD nhie gw maw post deskripsi na novel k4 ilana Tan~ cckck... kta" temn" cyber sh gx bguz..!!~ tpi kta temn real bguz~ binun juga~=w=... hufth~~ binun jdi na.. wkakwkaw~ sbnr nya gw maw beli sh,,tpi krna thu novel byk banget yg ska habz dLuan dhe=w= geez.. swt!!... xan juga yg pzt dah bca khan tnocel 1-3 na iLana Tan,, yg paling bwt gw sedh thu novel k2 na yg auntumn in paris.. asLi dramats banget T___T eh.. ampr Lupa... neh gw ksh deskripsi tntg novel yg k4 na.. [hhehe..kbyk crta deh gw XP] terbit na tggl 11 Febuari 2010~ enJoy Friend"::::
Gadis itu tidak menyukainya. Kenapa? Astaga, ia—Danny Jo—adalah orang yang baik. Sungguh! Ia selalu bersikap ramah, sopan dan menyenangkan. Lalu kenapa Naomi Ishida menjauhinya seperti wabah penyakit? Bagaimana mereka bisa bekerja sama dalam pembuatan video musik ini kalau gadis itu mengacuhkannya setiap saat? Kesalahan apa yang sudah dia lakukan? Bagaimanapun juga Danny bukan orang yang gampang menyerah. Ia akan mencoba mendekati Naomi untuk mencari tahu alasan gadis itu memusuhinya.
Tetapi ada dua hal yang tidak diperhitungkan Danny. Yang pertama adalah kemungkinan ia akan jatuh cinta pada Naomi Ishida yang dingin, misterius, dan penuh rahasia itu. Dan yang kedua adalah kemungkinan ia akan menguak rahasia gelap yang bisa menghancurkan mereka berdua dan orang-orang yang mereka sayangi.

Yg nhie cover nha~ : [agk keren sh,,heheh^^]

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

22 Febuari 2010

dear my bLog <~[kq lebay amt yah x3]
hari nhie aku meraskn gejala" tu lagi,,
mata kanan ku terasa perih dan sakit...
terkadang mengeluarkn air mata tnpa sebab...
nbiasakah aku sembuh??
jika tdak aku tak bsa melawan takdir Mu ...
satu hari lagi dmna aku menjalani hdup ku yg suram...
walaupun d'skolah aku tertawa,namun d'duia maya ini tdak lagi...
aneh ??
ia bsa d'blg bgtu...
ap yg dapt ku lakukan jika itu reaksi ku...
maafkan aku teman....
akh satu hal yg terlewatkan...
guru" d'ghbhe gx usah pda rese dund~
emosi gw liatnya=w="v
awz aj..

Senin, 22 Februari 2010


~Di canda tawa sebenarny aku menangis dan menjerit,... Dalm kesepian dan kesendrian aku termangu bagaika tubuh yg tak pnya jiwa dan raga,.. Dan dlam kegelapn pun,aku tertdr dlm tangis,... Aku berjlan menyusuri jembtan kehidpanku tnpa arah dan tjuan,.. Bagaikn zombie yg tdak mempunyai arh dan tjuan,.. Namn ktika aku brhnti pda satu titk, aku menemkan driku tlat tiada d'dunia,.. Aku mencba tuk memandang ke blakang, memandang jembtan lurus dan pnuh liku" yg tlah ku lalui slama ini,... Kenangan yg membri arti dlam hdupku,.. Yg menympn sjuta rasa perh,senang,duka,dan pahit... Yg tlah ku jalani brsma kalian,... ~untk kalian smua yg kusayangi,apabila aku kesepian,tlg hbur aku dgn suaramu,.. Apabila aku sakt,obatilah dgn kash syangmu,.. Apabila aku mati,tlg jangn mandikn aku dgn air mta mu tpi lpaslah aku dgn syum bhagia mu,. Apabila aku terkubr,kuburlah aku dlam hatimu agr aku kekal slalu,.. Dan bila kau kesepian lantunkanlah d0a agr aku bisa menemanimu dlam kesendrian krna aku slalu ada d'hatimu,... [backsound vierra~ rasa ini]

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010


Tumor adalah benjolan atau pembengkakan abnormal dalam tubuh, tetapi dalam artian khusus tumor adalah benjolan yang disebabkan oleh neoplasma. Secara klinis, tumor dibedakan atas golongan neoplasma dan nonneoplasma misalnya kista, akibat reaksi radang atau hipertrofi.
Neoplasma dapat bersifat ganas atau jinak. Neoplasma ganas atau kanker terjadi karena timbul dan berkembang biaknya sel secara tidak terkendali sehingga sel-sel ini tumbuh terus merusak bentuk dan fungsi organ tempat tumbuhnya. Kanker, karsinoma, atau sarkoma tumbuh menyusup (infiltrative) ke jaringan sekitarnya sambil merusaknya (destruktif), dapat menyebar ke bagian lain tubuh, dan umumnya fatal jika dibiarkan. Neoplasma jinak tumbuh dengan batas tegas
dan tidak menyusup, tidak merusak, tetapi membesar dan menekan jaringan sekitarnya (ekspansif), dan umumnya tidak bermetastasis, misalnya lipoma.
Klasifikasi patologik tumor dibuat berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan mikroskopik pada jaringan dan sel tumor. Dari pemeriksaan mikroskopik ini tampak gambaran keganasan yang sangat bervariasi, mulai dari yang relatif jinak sampai ke yang paling ganas. Pada satu organ dapat timbul satu atau lebih neoplasma yang sifatnya berlainan.
Sel tumor ialah sel tubuh yang mengalami transformasi dan tumbuh secara autonom lepas dari kendali pertumbuhan sel normal sehingga sel ini berbeda dari sel normal dalam bentuk dan strukturnya. Perbedaan sifat sel tumor bergantung pada besarnya penyimpangan dalam pertumbuhan, dan kemampuannya mengadakan infiltrasi danmenyebabkan metastasis.

Bila kulit diatas benjolan masih baik dan tidak ada luka berupa borok, kemungkinan benjolan tersebut berasal dari bawah kulit yaitu dari jaringan lunak yang ada dibawah kulit atau bisa juga dari tulang iga, namun kemungkinan paling besar adalah dari jaringan lunak bila pembesarannya relatif cepat dalam waktu yang singkat.
Jaringan lunak adalah bagian dari tubuh yang terletak antara kulit dan tulang serta organ tubuh bagian dalam. Yang tergolong jaringan lunak antara lain adalah otot, tendon, jaringan ikat, lemak dan jaringan synovial (jaringan di sekitar persendian)
Tumor jaringan lunak dapat terjadi diseluruh bagian tubuh mulai dari ujung kepala sampai ujung kaki. Tumor jaringan lunak ini ada yang jinak dan ada yang ganas. Tumor ganas atau kanker pada jaringan lunak dikenal sebagai sarcoma jaringan lunak atau Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) .
Kanker jaringan lunak termasuk kanker yang jarang ditemukan, insidensnya hanya sekitar 1% dari seluruh keganasan yang ditemukan pada orang dewasa dan 7-15 % dari seluruh keganasan pada anak. Bisa ditemukan pada semua kelompok umur. Pada anak-anak paling sering pada umur sekitar 4 tahun dan pada orang dewasa paling banyak pada umur 45-50 tahun.
Lokasi yang paling sering ditemukan adalah pada anggota gerak bawah yaitu sebesar 46% dimana 75%-nya ada di atas lutut terutama di daerah paha.
Di anggota gerak atas mulai dari lengan atas, lengan bawah hingga telapak tangan sekitar 13%. 30% di tubuh bagian di bagian luar maupun dalam, seperti pada dinding perut, dan juga pada jaringan lunak di dalam perut maupun dekat ginjal atau yang disebut daerah retroperitoneum. Pada daerah kepala dan leher sekitar 9% dan 1% di tempat lainnya, antara lain di dada.
Penyebaran atau metastasis kanker ini paling sering melalui pembuluh darah ke paru-paru (paling sering), ke liver, tulang. Jarang menyebar melalui kelenjar getah bening.
Gejala dan tanda kanker jaringan lunak tidak spesifik, tergantung pada lokasi dimana tumor berada, umumnya gejalanya berupa adanya suatu benjolan dibawah kulit yang tidak terasa sakit. Hanya sedikit penderita yang mengeluh sakit, yang biasanya terjadi akibat perdarahan atau nekrosis dalam tumor, dan bisa juga karena adanya penekanan pada saraf-saraf tepi.
Tumor jinak jaringan lunak biasanya tumbuh lambat, tidak cepat membesar, bila diraba terasa lunak dan bila tumor digerakan relatif masih mudah digerakan dari jaringan disekitarnya dan tidak pernah menyebar ke tempat jauh.
Kanker jaringan lunak umumnya pertumbuhannya relatif cepat membesar, berkembang menjadi benjolan yang keras, bila digerakkan agak sukar bergerak dan dapat menyebar ke tempat jauh ke paru-paru, liver maupun tulang.
Kalau ukuran kanker sudah begitu besar, dapat menyebabkan borok dan perdarahan pada kulit diatasnya.
Metode diagnosis yang paling umum selain pemeriksaan klinis, adalah dengan pemeriksaan biopsi, bisa dapat dengan biopsi aspirasi jarum halus (FNAB) atau biopsi dari jaringan tumor langsung berupa biopsi insisi yaitu biopsi dengan mengambil jaringan tumor sebagian sebagai contoh bila ukuran tumornya besar.
Bila ukuran tumor kecil, dapat dilakukan biopsi dengan pengangkatan seluruh tumor. Jaringan hasil biopsi diperiksa oleh dokter patologi anatomi, dan dapat diketahui apakah tumor jaringan lunak yang jinak atau ganas. Bila ganas, dapat juga dilihat dan ditentukan jenis subtipe histologis tumor tersebut, yang sangat berguna untuk menentukan tindakan selanjutnya.
Bila diagnosis sudah ditegakkan, maka penanganannya tergantung pada jenis tumor jaringan lunak itu sendiri. Bila jinak, maka cukup hanya benjolannnya saja yang diangkat dan tidak ada tindakan tambahan lainnya.
Bila tumor jaringan lunak hasilnya ganas atau kanker, maka pengobatannya bukan hanya tumornya saja yang diangkat, namun juga dengan jaringan sekitarnya sampai bebas tumor menurut kaidah yang telah ditentukan, tergantung dimana letak kanker ini. Tindakan pengobatannya adalah berupa operasi eksisi luas.
Penggunaan radioterapi dan kemoterapi hanyalah sebagai pelengkap, namun responsnya kurang begitu baik, kecuali untuk jenis kanker jaringan lunak yang berasal dari otot yang disebut embrional rhabdomyosarcoma.
Untuk kanker yang ukurannya besar, setelah operasi, ditambah dengan radioterapi. Pada kanker jaringan lunak yang sudah lanjut, dengan ukuran yang besar, resiko kekambuhan setelah dilakukan tindakan operasi masih dapat terjadi. Oleh karena itu setelah operasi biasanya penderita harus sering kontrol untuk memonitor ada tidaknya kekambuhan pada daerah operasi ataupun kekambuhan ditempat jauh berupa metastasis di paru, liver atau tulang.

[tak ada cara lain meyembuhkan penyakit ini ??? ]

Air mata itu telah ada...

aku sekarang terjebak diantara orang" yang aku sayangi,,, aku tak ingin melukai mereka..
mereka segalanya untukku...
Tapi bisa kah aku menghadapi itu semua ??
aku bertindak sebagaimana bukan diriku sendiri...
di lain pihak aku merasa tersiksa dan menderita...
akhir" ini aku merasakan sakitnya ketika aku membohongi dan berusaha menghindari mereka...
maafkan lah aku Tuhan...
Kanker ??
apakah itu yang menimpa daku ??
kanker jaringan lunak ??
yang ta bisa d'obati dengan cara apapun ??
hanya tanda" dari penyakit tersebut yang aku alami sekarang,,
mata kanan ku merasa sakit...
aku harap itu ta benar" terjadi..
namun jika ia...
aku rela mati kapan saja...
Namun aku harap mereka ta melepas ku dengan air mata namu hanya senyuman...
thanks all~

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Chara Chibi Shugo Chara~

Nyaaaaaaaaa ♥♥
kali ini maw post editan fto kuh aj dhe... XPPP...
nhie tntg chara" na shugo chara..
lain kali aq detailin dhe..
sabr nggu iioh d^0^b

Ntr mw video na ah~ XDDD
hbz UN ajhaa~~ XD XP
sbr iiah^^

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Hey aLl nhie akkuh mw posting lgie.. eheheh XD
alna dah lama nhie blog terbengkalai > <... yup here we go ~♥ its about Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle chara : Tsubasa (Syaoran)


Tsubasa (ツバサ?), usually called Syaoran (小狼 Shaoran?), who also calls himself Syaoran Li after his father, is the original, who is initially seen trapped by Fei Wang Reed for the first part of the series, and he sometimes connects with the clone. He is sent to Yuko as a young child by his parents, and he is sent to Clow Country, where he meets Tsubasa, who introduces herself as Sakura. He is told that he will have to make a choice, which ends up being to return to Clow in order to save her life while being unable to return home. Because of a slight hesitation, he failed to grab her hand before Fei Wang Reed placed the black seal of death on her, and then tries to cure her for seven years. Her mother stops time right before her death, and he is granted a wish to turn back time by Yuko, but at the price of losing his freedom to Fei Wang. Watanuki Kimihiro is created to replace Syaoran within his original world,[1] and Fei Wang creates the clone of Tsubasa to use as a pawn, but he manages to place some of his "heart" within one of the clone's eyes, so that Fei Wang cannot control it.

Tsubasa stays trapped by Fei Wang for many years, and he watches the events of the series through the Clone's eye. The seal eventually weakens on the clone, and he manages to awaken in order to attempt to stop it. He fails, and the clone escapes, while Tsubasa continues on with the group. He eventually reveals his past, and the fact that he may have been the one to ruin Kurogane and Fay's lives with his wish, but they tell him not to worry about it. He is skilled in swordmanship, having trained with his father and experienced Kurogane training the clone. He also has the abilities taught to the clone by Seishirō, and he is skilled in magic, knowing elemental magic and being able to summon a sword.

After Fei Wang is defeated, Tsubasa, Syaoran and Watanuki are subjected to his final curse, and all pulled into a void between time and space, and told they must pay the price to leave. He decides the price he would pay is for his journey to continue. Thus, he can never again stay in one place for too long. However, using the power of the memories of his father, his journey will always lead him back to Sakura's side, even if he must leave it again. He is voiced by Miyu Irino.

Tsubasa (ツバサ?), usually called Syaoran (小狼 Shaoran?), who also calls himself Syaoran Li after his father, is the original, who is initially seen trapped by Fei Wang Reed for the first part of the series, and he sometimes connects with the clone. He is sent to Yuko as a young child by his parents, and he is sent to Clow Country, where he meets Tsubasa, who introduces herself as Sakura. He is told that he will have to make a choice, which ends up being to return to Clow in order to save her life while being unable to return home. Because of a slight hesitation, he failed to grab her hand before Fei Wang Reed placed the black seal of death on her, and then tries to cure her for seven years. Her mother stops time right before her death, and he is granted a wish to turn back time by Yuko, but at the price of losing his freedom to Fei Wang. Watanuki Kimihiro is created to replace Syaoran within his original world,[1] and Fei Wang creates the clone of Tsubasa to use as a pawn, but he manages to place some of his "heart" within one of the clone's eyes, so that Fei Wang cannot control it.

Tsubasa stays trapped by Fei Wang for many years, and he watches the events of the series through the Clone's eye. The seal eventually weakens on the clone, and he manages to awaken in order to attempt to stop it. He fails, and the clone escapes, while Tsubasa continues on with the group. He eventually reveals his past, and the fact that he may have been the one to ruin Kurogane and Fay's lives with his wish, but they tell him not to worry about it. He is skilled in swordmanship, having trained with his father and experienced Kurogane training the clone. He also has the abilities taught to the clone by Seishirō, and he is skilled in magic, knowing elemental magic and being able to summon a sword.

After Fei Wang is defeated, Tsubasa, Syaoran and Watanuki are subjected to his final curse, and all pulled into a void between time and space, and told they must pay the price to leave. He decides the price he would pay is for his journey to continue. Thus, he can never again stay in one place for too long. However, using the power of the memories of his father, his journey will always lead him back to Sakura's side, even if he must leave it again. He is voiced by Miyu Irino.
Tsubasa (ツバサ?), usually called Syaoran (小狼 Shaoran?), who also calls himself Syaoran Li after his father, is the original, who is initially seen trapped by Fei Wang Reed for the first part of the series, and he sometimes connects with the clone. He is sent to Yuko as a young child by his parents, and he is sent to Clow Country, where he meets Tsubasa, who introduces herself as Sakura. He is told that he will have to make a choice, which ends up being to return to Clow in order to save her life while being unable to return home. Because of a slight hesitation, he failed to grab her hand before Fei Wang Reed placed the black seal of death on her, and then tries to cure her for seven years. Her mother stops time right before her death, and he is granted a wish to turn back time by Yuko, but at the price of losing his freedom to Fei Wang. Watanuki Kimihiro is created to replace Syaoran within his original world,[1] and Fei Wang creates the clone of Tsubasa to use as a pawn, but he manages to place some of his "heart" within one of the clone's eyes, so that Fei Wang cannot control it.

Tsubasa stays trapped by Fei Wang for many years, and he watches the events of the series through the Clone's eye. The seal eventually weakens on the clone, and he manages to awaken in order to attempt to stop it. He fails, and the clone escapes, while Tsubasa continues on with the group. He eventually reveals his past, and the fact that he may have been the one to ruin Kurogane and Fay's lives with his wish, but they tell him not to worry about it. He is skilled in swordmanship, having trained with his father and experienced Kurogane training the clone. He also has the abilities taught to the clone by Seishirō, and he is skilled in magic, knowing elemental magic and being able to summon a sword.

After Fei Wang is defeated, Tsubasa, Syaoran and Watanuki are subjected to his final curse, and all pulled into a void between time and space, and told they must pay the price to leave. He decides the price he would pay is for his journey to continue. Thus, he can never again stay in one place for too long. However, using the power of the memories of his father, his journey will always lead him back to Sakura's side, even if he must leave it again. He is voiced by Miyu Irino.

Tsubasa (Sakura)

Tsubasa (ツバサ?), usually called Sakura (サクラ?), is the princess of the Kingdom of Clow, who befriends and falls in love with Tsubasa during her childhood. Her soul was frozen in time just before death due to a wish made by Tsubasa, though her body disappeared after being cloned by Fei Wang Reed. Her soul merges with her clone's body afterward. At the end of the series she finally confesses her love to Tsubasa, and remains in the Kingdom of Clow awaiting Tsubasa's return from his neverending journey.

She is voiced by Yui Makino in the anime adaptation.

Fai D. Fluorite

Fay D. Fluorite (ファイ・D・フローライト Fai D. Furōraito?, also romanized as Fai D. Flowright) is a powerful magician from the country of Celes. He travels to Yūko on his own accord after sealing King Ashura of Celes and having his creation, Chī, act as a barrier to alert Fay if Ashura awakens. He wishes never to return to Celes and have the ability to run away through dimensions if Ashura does awaken, so he gives up a tattoo on his back in order to have use of Mokona. Fay is a very enigmatic person. He appears to be happy-go-lucky and good-natured, and acts very carefree. He often teases Kurogane, calling him ridiculous nicknames such as "Kuro-rin", "Kuro-tan" and, in the English version, "Kirgy". Kurogane questions this nature, sensing that it is just a false persona to hide that he is emotionally distant, and Fay usually gives very dark and enigmatic answers if asked about it. Fay doesn't bother to fight very hard for his life, and will only do so if someone he cares for is in danger, which Kurogane notes to be Syaoran and Sakura, as the group bonds. He is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa in the anime adaptation, and by Vic Mignogna in the English adaptation.

Fay's real name is "Yūi", and he is born with his identical twin brother, Fay, in Valeria Country[2] The birth of twins to the second prince of the country is a bad omen, which leads to the death of their father, the suicide of their mother, and many misfortunes upon the country. Fearing the combined magical power of the twins, the king imprisons them within a tower where sinners are kept, where magic is ineffective and time flows differently. Fay is imprisoned atop the tower, and Yūi is confined at the base of the tower. Bodies eventually begin to fill the base of the tower, and Yūi attempts to climb towards his brother. The King, insane, eventually jumps into the tower, revealing that he has killed everyone in the country, and then kills himself to remind them that they are the cause of everything.

Eventually, Fei Wang Reed appears from another world, and offers to free one of them. Fai chooses to save Yūi, resulting in Fay being thrown from the tower to his death, though Fei Wang tampers with Yūi's memory to make him think that he chose his own life over Fay. Promising to return Fay to life if Fay becomes his pawn, he bestows two curses upon Yūi, one of which is removed from his memory. The curses are to kill whoever is a stronger magician than him, and another curse will use his magic to collapse the world around them. He tells him about the journey he will have with Sakura. He is soon found by Ashura, who takes in Yūi, having adopted the name Fay. Ashura also bestows upon him the surname Fluorite, which is a precious stone found in Celes. Fay is given one of Sakura's feathers to preserve his dead brother's body. Ashura tutors him in magic and comforts him, and Fay discovers another two of Sakura's feathers; one he must give to Sakura when he first meets her, to prevent her death, and the other is used to create Chī, whose appearance he bases on his late mother. He eventually learns that Ashura's purpose is to have him kill anyone who threatens the country, which means to kill Ashura himself, as Ashura kills people in order to make his magic stronger. Instead of fulfilling that role, he seals Ashura with a sleep spell instead.

Fay has natural magic abilities that grow stronger every time he uses them, though he notes that they are only good for destruction. The source of Fay's magical powers is the blue color of his eyes, which also greatly increases his lifespan. His left eye increases his powers on usage while his right eye decreases his powers, as noted by Seishirō and Fūma in Nihon. Since his powers are directly connected to his eyeballs, a loss of vision leads directly to a loss of magic, and a total loss of magic would lead to his death. Ashura, wishing Fay to kill him, when he has become stronger than Fay, places a tattoo on Fai's back to keep him from growing stronger than himself. Once the tattoo is given to Yūko, he refuses to use his magic. His powers are effectively halved when Syaoran consumes his left eye, and they continue to diminish afterward. He is forced by Kurogane to become a vampire to save his life. He gains regeneration and no longer has to rely on his magic to survive, though he has to regularly drink Kurogane's blood. Kurogane sacrifices an arm to save Fay from his last curse. He later gives up the rest of his magic in order to pay a "price" for Yūko (to restore Kurogane's lost arm with a mechanical one), which leaves him with a permanently yellow vampiric eye. Later he recovers his lost left eye, which Syaoran had been using. The magic, which had been increasing every time the clone used it, is strong enough to restore Fai's lost eye. His magic is returned to him and he is able to use it to its full potential.


Kurogane (黒鋼?, lit. "Black Steel") is a rough-mannered ninja from the world of Nihon (ニホン?, lit. Japan), who is sent away from his world by Princess Tomoyo in order to have him discover true strength. He is the most powerful warrior in his world, but he shows no mercy to anyone, even at Tomoyo's request, so she places a "curse" on him that will decrease his strength if he kills anyone. He gives up his sword,"Ginryū" (銀竜; Japanese for Silver Dragon?), as the price to use Mokona to cross dimensions and return to his home world. He quickly bonds with Syaoran, who he trains in swordsmanship and helps overcome his blind right eye. He is constantly teased by Fay, who calls him a variety of nicknames, though he also is able to tell Fay's true nature, and Mokona, whose cute nature Kurogane cannot stand, preferring to refer to Mokona as a "white pork bun." or "white manju bun." Though he initially has no interest in helping restore Sakura's memory, he eventually finds himself risking his life for the group. He is voiced by Tetsu Inada in Japanese, and by Christopher Sabat in English.

Kurogane is the son of the lord of the Suwa Province and the miko who protects the area with a magical barrier. He trains under his father in swordsmanship, wishes to become stronger so he can protect those he loves, and he cares for his mother, who has tuberculosis. Eventually, Fei Wong Reed floods the area with demons, which leads to the death of his father, and Reed personally kills Kurogane's mother through a dimensional portal. Kurogane goes into a rage, killing all of the demons while grasping his mother's body, and he is only calmed by Tomoyo. He eventually becomes a personal retainer for Tomoyo, but his ideals change from protecting those he loves to just gaining strength and finding his mother's killer. He eventually learns that the whole attack is part of Reed's plan to make him a pawn, but interference from Yuko causes Tomoyo to reach him first. His real name in the anime during his childhood was Haganemaru, instead of You-oh but he later changed it to Kurogane after his parents' death. Both he and Fay changed their name before the series; from Yui to Fay and Haganemaru (during the anime series) to Kurogane.

Kurogane is an expert swordsman, who originally used a replica of his father's sword, Ginryū, opting to have the original buried with his mother in place of his father's remains. After giving the sword to Yuko, he obtains Sōhi (蒼氷; Japanese for Blue Ice?), which he initially stores with Mokona, though Fay eventually gives him the ability to summon it from his left hand. After he cuts off his left arm to save Fay, he is granted an artificial arm from Piffle World, though it feels odd to him. In Nihon, Tomoyo gives him the real Ginryū, admitting that she never buried it. He learns that the curse is actually a protective charm, and his only loss of strength was the loss of his arm, which helps him realize that "true strength" is protecting those close to him. He most often uses the technique, Hama Ryū-ō Jin, which is his father's trademark. In the final confrontation with Fei Wang Reed, Kurogane finally gains his revenge by delivering the fatal blow to Fei Wang Reed in chapter 230. It is implied that Kurogane travels with Fay and Syaoran after the series ends.

Mokona Modoki

Mokona Modoki (モコナ=モドキ?) refers to two rabbit-like creatures created by Yūko Ichihara and Clow Reed in preparation for the events in Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle and xxxHolic, as well as to stop Fei Wong Reed's plans and save the "two futures". The white Mokona travels with Syaoran's group, while the black Mokona stays in Yūko's shop. Both are based upon the original Mokona, who Yūko and Clow encountered while Mokona was traveling through different worlds. Mokona provided Yūko and Clow with the knowledge of alternate dimensions.

The white Mokona, whose real name is Soel, is given to Syaoran's group by Yuko in exchange for their most-valued possessions. Although they are genderless, it is suggested in the drama CDs that Soel is female, and the black Mokona, Larg, is male. Mokona has many abilities, including traveling to different worlds, teleporting objects from one world to another, sensing strong auras, and allowing people from other worlds to communicate. She also prides herself on her "108 Secret Skills" that include things like voice imitation. With the help of the black Mokona, the white Mokona is able to stay in contact with Yūko, though she also speaks to the black Mokona during their dreams. The Mokonas are voiced by Mika Kikuchi in the Japanese and Carrie Savage in the English version.

Mokona is responsible for locating Sakura's feathers, and whenever one is around, it goes "mekkyo" for an instant, which alerts the others. Mokona is a very cheerful, optimistic and energetic being, and loves to tease Kurogane, who occasionally uses violence to get back at her. She has a red earring, which is used to enhance magical power. It is used to help Kurogane and Fay escape the closing Selece Country.

*Heheheh... akku posting yg protagonist na dLu^^ yg antagonis ntran ajha yhuaaa... XDDD
smpe ktmu lgie XP* d^^b

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Spring In London by Ilana Tan...

hunyu temen" XD nhie gw maw post deskripsi na novel k4 ilana Tan~ cckck... kta" temn" cyber sh gx bguz..!!~ tpi kta temn real bguz~ binun juga~=w=... hufth~~ binun jdi na.. wkakwkaw~ sbnr nya gw maw beli sh,,tpi krna thu novel byk banget yg ska habz dLuan dhe=w= geez.. swt!!... xan juga yg pzt dah bca khan tnocel 1-3 na iLana Tan,, yg paling bwt gw sedh thu novel k2 na yg auntumn in paris.. asLi dramats banget T___T eh.. ampr Lupa... neh gw ksh deskripsi tntg novel yg k4 na.. [hhehe..kbyk crta deh gw XP] terbit na tggl 11 Febuari 2010~ enJoy Friend"::::
Gadis itu tidak menyukainya. Kenapa? Astaga, ia—Danny Jo—adalah orang yang baik. Sungguh! Ia selalu bersikap ramah, sopan dan menyenangkan. Lalu kenapa Naomi Ishida menjauhinya seperti wabah penyakit? Bagaimana mereka bisa bekerja sama dalam pembuatan video musik ini kalau gadis itu mengacuhkannya setiap saat? Kesalahan apa yang sudah dia lakukan? Bagaimanapun juga Danny bukan orang yang gampang menyerah. Ia akan mencoba mendekati Naomi untuk mencari tahu alasan gadis itu memusuhinya.
Tetapi ada dua hal yang tidak diperhitungkan Danny. Yang pertama adalah kemungkinan ia akan jatuh cinta pada Naomi Ishida yang dingin, misterius, dan penuh rahasia itu. Dan yang kedua adalah kemungkinan ia akan menguak rahasia gelap yang bisa menghancurkan mereka berdua dan orang-orang yang mereka sayangi.

Yg nhie cover nha~ : [agk keren sh,,heheh^^]

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

22 Febuari 2010

dear my bLog <~[kq lebay amt yah x3]
hari nhie aku meraskn gejala" tu lagi,,
mata kanan ku terasa perih dan sakit...
terkadang mengeluarkn air mata tnpa sebab...
nbiasakah aku sembuh??
jika tdak aku tak bsa melawan takdir Mu ...
satu hari lagi dmna aku menjalani hdup ku yg suram...
walaupun d'skolah aku tertawa,namun d'duia maya ini tdak lagi...
aneh ??
ia bsa d'blg bgtu...
ap yg dapt ku lakukan jika itu reaksi ku...
maafkan aku teman....
akh satu hal yg terlewatkan...
guru" d'ghbhe gx usah pda rese dund~
emosi gw liatnya=w="v
awz aj..

Senin, 22 Februari 2010


~Di canda tawa sebenarny aku menangis dan menjerit,... Dalm kesepian dan kesendrian aku termangu bagaika tubuh yg tak pnya jiwa dan raga,.. Dan dlam kegelapn pun,aku tertdr dlm tangis,... Aku berjlan menyusuri jembtan kehidpanku tnpa arah dan tjuan,.. Bagaikn zombie yg tdak mempunyai arh dan tjuan,.. Namn ktika aku brhnti pda satu titk, aku menemkan driku tlat tiada d'dunia,.. Aku mencba tuk memandang ke blakang, memandang jembtan lurus dan pnuh liku" yg tlah ku lalui slama ini,... Kenangan yg membri arti dlam hdupku,.. Yg menympn sjuta rasa perh,senang,duka,dan pahit... Yg tlah ku jalani brsma kalian,... ~untk kalian smua yg kusayangi,apabila aku kesepian,tlg hbur aku dgn suaramu,.. Apabila aku sakt,obatilah dgn kash syangmu,.. Apabila aku mati,tlg jangn mandikn aku dgn air mta mu tpi lpaslah aku dgn syum bhagia mu,. Apabila aku terkubr,kuburlah aku dlam hatimu agr aku kekal slalu,.. Dan bila kau kesepian lantunkanlah d0a agr aku bisa menemanimu dlam kesendrian krna aku slalu ada d'hatimu,... [backsound vierra~ rasa ini]

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010


Tumor adalah benjolan atau pembengkakan abnormal dalam tubuh, tetapi dalam artian khusus tumor adalah benjolan yang disebabkan oleh neoplasma. Secara klinis, tumor dibedakan atas golongan neoplasma dan nonneoplasma misalnya kista, akibat reaksi radang atau hipertrofi.
Neoplasma dapat bersifat ganas atau jinak. Neoplasma ganas atau kanker terjadi karena timbul dan berkembang biaknya sel secara tidak terkendali sehingga sel-sel ini tumbuh terus merusak bentuk dan fungsi organ tempat tumbuhnya. Kanker, karsinoma, atau sarkoma tumbuh menyusup (infiltrative) ke jaringan sekitarnya sambil merusaknya (destruktif), dapat menyebar ke bagian lain tubuh, dan umumnya fatal jika dibiarkan. Neoplasma jinak tumbuh dengan batas tegas
dan tidak menyusup, tidak merusak, tetapi membesar dan menekan jaringan sekitarnya (ekspansif), dan umumnya tidak bermetastasis, misalnya lipoma.
Klasifikasi patologik tumor dibuat berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan mikroskopik pada jaringan dan sel tumor. Dari pemeriksaan mikroskopik ini tampak gambaran keganasan yang sangat bervariasi, mulai dari yang relatif jinak sampai ke yang paling ganas. Pada satu organ dapat timbul satu atau lebih neoplasma yang sifatnya berlainan.
Sel tumor ialah sel tubuh yang mengalami transformasi dan tumbuh secara autonom lepas dari kendali pertumbuhan sel normal sehingga sel ini berbeda dari sel normal dalam bentuk dan strukturnya. Perbedaan sifat sel tumor bergantung pada besarnya penyimpangan dalam pertumbuhan, dan kemampuannya mengadakan infiltrasi danmenyebabkan metastasis.

Bila kulit diatas benjolan masih baik dan tidak ada luka berupa borok, kemungkinan benjolan tersebut berasal dari bawah kulit yaitu dari jaringan lunak yang ada dibawah kulit atau bisa juga dari tulang iga, namun kemungkinan paling besar adalah dari jaringan lunak bila pembesarannya relatif cepat dalam waktu yang singkat.
Jaringan lunak adalah bagian dari tubuh yang terletak antara kulit dan tulang serta organ tubuh bagian dalam. Yang tergolong jaringan lunak antara lain adalah otot, tendon, jaringan ikat, lemak dan jaringan synovial (jaringan di sekitar persendian)
Tumor jaringan lunak dapat terjadi diseluruh bagian tubuh mulai dari ujung kepala sampai ujung kaki. Tumor jaringan lunak ini ada yang jinak dan ada yang ganas. Tumor ganas atau kanker pada jaringan lunak dikenal sebagai sarcoma jaringan lunak atau Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) .
Kanker jaringan lunak termasuk kanker yang jarang ditemukan, insidensnya hanya sekitar 1% dari seluruh keganasan yang ditemukan pada orang dewasa dan 7-15 % dari seluruh keganasan pada anak. Bisa ditemukan pada semua kelompok umur. Pada anak-anak paling sering pada umur sekitar 4 tahun dan pada orang dewasa paling banyak pada umur 45-50 tahun.
Lokasi yang paling sering ditemukan adalah pada anggota gerak bawah yaitu sebesar 46% dimana 75%-nya ada di atas lutut terutama di daerah paha.
Di anggota gerak atas mulai dari lengan atas, lengan bawah hingga telapak tangan sekitar 13%. 30% di tubuh bagian di bagian luar maupun dalam, seperti pada dinding perut, dan juga pada jaringan lunak di dalam perut maupun dekat ginjal atau yang disebut daerah retroperitoneum. Pada daerah kepala dan leher sekitar 9% dan 1% di tempat lainnya, antara lain di dada.
Penyebaran atau metastasis kanker ini paling sering melalui pembuluh darah ke paru-paru (paling sering), ke liver, tulang. Jarang menyebar melalui kelenjar getah bening.
Gejala dan tanda kanker jaringan lunak tidak spesifik, tergantung pada lokasi dimana tumor berada, umumnya gejalanya berupa adanya suatu benjolan dibawah kulit yang tidak terasa sakit. Hanya sedikit penderita yang mengeluh sakit, yang biasanya terjadi akibat perdarahan atau nekrosis dalam tumor, dan bisa juga karena adanya penekanan pada saraf-saraf tepi.
Tumor jinak jaringan lunak biasanya tumbuh lambat, tidak cepat membesar, bila diraba terasa lunak dan bila tumor digerakan relatif masih mudah digerakan dari jaringan disekitarnya dan tidak pernah menyebar ke tempat jauh.
Kanker jaringan lunak umumnya pertumbuhannya relatif cepat membesar, berkembang menjadi benjolan yang keras, bila digerakkan agak sukar bergerak dan dapat menyebar ke tempat jauh ke paru-paru, liver maupun tulang.
Kalau ukuran kanker sudah begitu besar, dapat menyebabkan borok dan perdarahan pada kulit diatasnya.
Metode diagnosis yang paling umum selain pemeriksaan klinis, adalah dengan pemeriksaan biopsi, bisa dapat dengan biopsi aspirasi jarum halus (FNAB) atau biopsi dari jaringan tumor langsung berupa biopsi insisi yaitu biopsi dengan mengambil jaringan tumor sebagian sebagai contoh bila ukuran tumornya besar.
Bila ukuran tumor kecil, dapat dilakukan biopsi dengan pengangkatan seluruh tumor. Jaringan hasil biopsi diperiksa oleh dokter patologi anatomi, dan dapat diketahui apakah tumor jaringan lunak yang jinak atau ganas. Bila ganas, dapat juga dilihat dan ditentukan jenis subtipe histologis tumor tersebut, yang sangat berguna untuk menentukan tindakan selanjutnya.
Bila diagnosis sudah ditegakkan, maka penanganannya tergantung pada jenis tumor jaringan lunak itu sendiri. Bila jinak, maka cukup hanya benjolannnya saja yang diangkat dan tidak ada tindakan tambahan lainnya.
Bila tumor jaringan lunak hasilnya ganas atau kanker, maka pengobatannya bukan hanya tumornya saja yang diangkat, namun juga dengan jaringan sekitarnya sampai bebas tumor menurut kaidah yang telah ditentukan, tergantung dimana letak kanker ini. Tindakan pengobatannya adalah berupa operasi eksisi luas.
Penggunaan radioterapi dan kemoterapi hanyalah sebagai pelengkap, namun responsnya kurang begitu baik, kecuali untuk jenis kanker jaringan lunak yang berasal dari otot yang disebut embrional rhabdomyosarcoma.
Untuk kanker yang ukurannya besar, setelah operasi, ditambah dengan radioterapi. Pada kanker jaringan lunak yang sudah lanjut, dengan ukuran yang besar, resiko kekambuhan setelah dilakukan tindakan operasi masih dapat terjadi. Oleh karena itu setelah operasi biasanya penderita harus sering kontrol untuk memonitor ada tidaknya kekambuhan pada daerah operasi ataupun kekambuhan ditempat jauh berupa metastasis di paru, liver atau tulang.

[tak ada cara lain meyembuhkan penyakit ini ??? ]

Air mata itu telah ada...

aku sekarang terjebak diantara orang" yang aku sayangi,,, aku tak ingin melukai mereka..
mereka segalanya untukku...
Tapi bisa kah aku menghadapi itu semua ??
aku bertindak sebagaimana bukan diriku sendiri...
di lain pihak aku merasa tersiksa dan menderita...
akhir" ini aku merasakan sakitnya ketika aku membohongi dan berusaha menghindari mereka...
maafkan lah aku Tuhan...
Kanker ??
apakah itu yang menimpa daku ??
kanker jaringan lunak ??
yang ta bisa d'obati dengan cara apapun ??
hanya tanda" dari penyakit tersebut yang aku alami sekarang,,
mata kanan ku merasa sakit...
aku harap itu ta benar" terjadi..
namun jika ia...
aku rela mati kapan saja...
Namun aku harap mereka ta melepas ku dengan air mata namu hanya senyuman...
thanks all~

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Chara Chibi Shugo Chara~

Nyaaaaaaaaa ♥♥
kali ini maw post editan fto kuh aj dhe... XPPP...
nhie tntg chara" na shugo chara..
lain kali aq detailin dhe..
sabr nggu iioh d^0^b

Ntr mw video na ah~ XDDD
hbz UN ajhaa~~ XD XP
sbr iiah^^

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Hey aLl nhie akkuh mw posting lgie.. eheheh XD
alna dah lama nhie blog terbengkalai > <... yup here we go ~♥ its about Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle chara : Tsubasa (Syaoran)


Tsubasa (ツバサ?), usually called Syaoran (小狼 Shaoran?), who also calls himself Syaoran Li after his father, is the original, who is initially seen trapped by Fei Wang Reed for the first part of the series, and he sometimes connects with the clone. He is sent to Yuko as a young child by his parents, and he is sent to Clow Country, where he meets Tsubasa, who introduces herself as Sakura. He is told that he will have to make a choice, which ends up being to return to Clow in order to save her life while being unable to return home. Because of a slight hesitation, he failed to grab her hand before Fei Wang Reed placed the black seal of death on her, and then tries to cure her for seven years. Her mother stops time right before her death, and he is granted a wish to turn back time by Yuko, but at the price of losing his freedom to Fei Wang. Watanuki Kimihiro is created to replace Syaoran within his original world,[1] and Fei Wang creates the clone of Tsubasa to use as a pawn, but he manages to place some of his "heart" within one of the clone's eyes, so that Fei Wang cannot control it.

Tsubasa stays trapped by Fei Wang for many years, and he watches the events of the series through the Clone's eye. The seal eventually weakens on the clone, and he manages to awaken in order to attempt to stop it. He fails, and the clone escapes, while Tsubasa continues on with the group. He eventually reveals his past, and the fact that he may have been the one to ruin Kurogane and Fay's lives with his wish, but they tell him not to worry about it. He is skilled in swordmanship, having trained with his father and experienced Kurogane training the clone. He also has the abilities taught to the clone by Seishirō, and he is skilled in magic, knowing elemental magic and being able to summon a sword.

After Fei Wang is defeated, Tsubasa, Syaoran and Watanuki are subjected to his final curse, and all pulled into a void between time and space, and told they must pay the price to leave. He decides the price he would pay is for his journey to continue. Thus, he can never again stay in one place for too long. However, using the power of the memories of his father, his journey will always lead him back to Sakura's side, even if he must leave it again. He is voiced by Miyu Irino.

Tsubasa (ツバサ?), usually called Syaoran (小狼 Shaoran?), who also calls himself Syaoran Li after his father, is the original, who is initially seen trapped by Fei Wang Reed for the first part of the series, and he sometimes connects with the clone. He is sent to Yuko as a young child by his parents, and he is sent to Clow Country, where he meets Tsubasa, who introduces herself as Sakura. He is told that he will have to make a choice, which ends up being to return to Clow in order to save her life while being unable to return home. Because of a slight hesitation, he failed to grab her hand before Fei Wang Reed placed the black seal of death on her, and then tries to cure her for seven years. Her mother stops time right before her death, and he is granted a wish to turn back time by Yuko, but at the price of losing his freedom to Fei Wang. Watanuki Kimihiro is created to replace Syaoran within his original world,[1] and Fei Wang creates the clone of Tsubasa to use as a pawn, but he manages to place some of his "heart" within one of the clone's eyes, so that Fei Wang cannot control it.

Tsubasa stays trapped by Fei Wang for many years, and he watches the events of the series through the Clone's eye. The seal eventually weakens on the clone, and he manages to awaken in order to attempt to stop it. He fails, and the clone escapes, while Tsubasa continues on with the group. He eventually reveals his past, and the fact that he may have been the one to ruin Kurogane and Fay's lives with his wish, but they tell him not to worry about it. He is skilled in swordmanship, having trained with his father and experienced Kurogane training the clone. He also has the abilities taught to the clone by Seishirō, and he is skilled in magic, knowing elemental magic and being able to summon a sword.

After Fei Wang is defeated, Tsubasa, Syaoran and Watanuki are subjected to his final curse, and all pulled into a void between time and space, and told they must pay the price to leave. He decides the price he would pay is for his journey to continue. Thus, he can never again stay in one place for too long. However, using the power of the memories of his father, his journey will always lead him back to Sakura's side, even if he must leave it again. He is voiced by Miyu Irino.
Tsubasa (ツバサ?), usually called Syaoran (小狼 Shaoran?), who also calls himself Syaoran Li after his father, is the original, who is initially seen trapped by Fei Wang Reed for the first part of the series, and he sometimes connects with the clone. He is sent to Yuko as a young child by his parents, and he is sent to Clow Country, where he meets Tsubasa, who introduces herself as Sakura. He is told that he will have to make a choice, which ends up being to return to Clow in order to save her life while being unable to return home. Because of a slight hesitation, he failed to grab her hand before Fei Wang Reed placed the black seal of death on her, and then tries to cure her for seven years. Her mother stops time right before her death, and he is granted a wish to turn back time by Yuko, but at the price of losing his freedom to Fei Wang. Watanuki Kimihiro is created to replace Syaoran within his original world,[1] and Fei Wang creates the clone of Tsubasa to use as a pawn, but he manages to place some of his "heart" within one of the clone's eyes, so that Fei Wang cannot control it.

Tsubasa stays trapped by Fei Wang for many years, and he watches the events of the series through the Clone's eye. The seal eventually weakens on the clone, and he manages to awaken in order to attempt to stop it. He fails, and the clone escapes, while Tsubasa continues on with the group. He eventually reveals his past, and the fact that he may have been the one to ruin Kurogane and Fay's lives with his wish, but they tell him not to worry about it. He is skilled in swordmanship, having trained with his father and experienced Kurogane training the clone. He also has the abilities taught to the clone by Seishirō, and he is skilled in magic, knowing elemental magic and being able to summon a sword.

After Fei Wang is defeated, Tsubasa, Syaoran and Watanuki are subjected to his final curse, and all pulled into a void between time and space, and told they must pay the price to leave. He decides the price he would pay is for his journey to continue. Thus, he can never again stay in one place for too long. However, using the power of the memories of his father, his journey will always lead him back to Sakura's side, even if he must leave it again. He is voiced by Miyu Irino.

Tsubasa (Sakura)

Tsubasa (ツバサ?), usually called Sakura (サクラ?), is the princess of the Kingdom of Clow, who befriends and falls in love with Tsubasa during her childhood. Her soul was frozen in time just before death due to a wish made by Tsubasa, though her body disappeared after being cloned by Fei Wang Reed. Her soul merges with her clone's body afterward. At the end of the series she finally confesses her love to Tsubasa, and remains in the Kingdom of Clow awaiting Tsubasa's return from his neverending journey.

She is voiced by Yui Makino in the anime adaptation.

Fai D. Fluorite

Fay D. Fluorite (ファイ・D・フローライト Fai D. Furōraito?, also romanized as Fai D. Flowright) is a powerful magician from the country of Celes. He travels to Yūko on his own accord after sealing King Ashura of Celes and having his creation, Chī, act as a barrier to alert Fay if Ashura awakens. He wishes never to return to Celes and have the ability to run away through dimensions if Ashura does awaken, so he gives up a tattoo on his back in order to have use of Mokona. Fay is a very enigmatic person. He appears to be happy-go-lucky and good-natured, and acts very carefree. He often teases Kurogane, calling him ridiculous nicknames such as "Kuro-rin", "Kuro-tan" and, in the English version, "Kirgy". Kurogane questions this nature, sensing that it is just a false persona to hide that he is emotionally distant, and Fay usually gives very dark and enigmatic answers if asked about it. Fay doesn't bother to fight very hard for his life, and will only do so if someone he cares for is in danger, which Kurogane notes to be Syaoran and Sakura, as the group bonds. He is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa in the anime adaptation, and by Vic Mignogna in the English adaptation.

Fay's real name is "Yūi", and he is born with his identical twin brother, Fay, in Valeria Country[2] The birth of twins to the second prince of the country is a bad omen, which leads to the death of their father, the suicide of their mother, and many misfortunes upon the country. Fearing the combined magical power of the twins, the king imprisons them within a tower where sinners are kept, where magic is ineffective and time flows differently. Fay is imprisoned atop the tower, and Yūi is confined at the base of the tower. Bodies eventually begin to fill the base of the tower, and Yūi attempts to climb towards his brother. The King, insane, eventually jumps into the tower, revealing that he has killed everyone in the country, and then kills himself to remind them that they are the cause of everything.

Eventually, Fei Wang Reed appears from another world, and offers to free one of them. Fai chooses to save Yūi, resulting in Fay being thrown from the tower to his death, though Fei Wang tampers with Yūi's memory to make him think that he chose his own life over Fay. Promising to return Fay to life if Fay becomes his pawn, he bestows two curses upon Yūi, one of which is removed from his memory. The curses are to kill whoever is a stronger magician than him, and another curse will use his magic to collapse the world around them. He tells him about the journey he will have with Sakura. He is soon found by Ashura, who takes in Yūi, having adopted the name Fay. Ashura also bestows upon him the surname Fluorite, which is a precious stone found in Celes. Fay is given one of Sakura's feathers to preserve his dead brother's body. Ashura tutors him in magic and comforts him, and Fay discovers another two of Sakura's feathers; one he must give to Sakura when he first meets her, to prevent her death, and the other is used to create Chī, whose appearance he bases on his late mother. He eventually learns that Ashura's purpose is to have him kill anyone who threatens the country, which means to kill Ashura himself, as Ashura kills people in order to make his magic stronger. Instead of fulfilling that role, he seals Ashura with a sleep spell instead.

Fay has natural magic abilities that grow stronger every time he uses them, though he notes that they are only good for destruction. The source of Fay's magical powers is the blue color of his eyes, which also greatly increases his lifespan. His left eye increases his powers on usage while his right eye decreases his powers, as noted by Seishirō and Fūma in Nihon. Since his powers are directly connected to his eyeballs, a loss of vision leads directly to a loss of magic, and a total loss of magic would lead to his death. Ashura, wishing Fay to kill him, when he has become stronger than Fay, places a tattoo on Fai's back to keep him from growing stronger than himself. Once the tattoo is given to Yūko, he refuses to use his magic. His powers are effectively halved when Syaoran consumes his left eye, and they continue to diminish afterward. He is forced by Kurogane to become a vampire to save his life. He gains regeneration and no longer has to rely on his magic to survive, though he has to regularly drink Kurogane's blood. Kurogane sacrifices an arm to save Fay from his last curse. He later gives up the rest of his magic in order to pay a "price" for Yūko (to restore Kurogane's lost arm with a mechanical one), which leaves him with a permanently yellow vampiric eye. Later he recovers his lost left eye, which Syaoran had been using. The magic, which had been increasing every time the clone used it, is strong enough to restore Fai's lost eye. His magic is returned to him and he is able to use it to its full potential.


Kurogane (黒鋼?, lit. "Black Steel") is a rough-mannered ninja from the world of Nihon (ニホン?, lit. Japan), who is sent away from his world by Princess Tomoyo in order to have him discover true strength. He is the most powerful warrior in his world, but he shows no mercy to anyone, even at Tomoyo's request, so she places a "curse" on him that will decrease his strength if he kills anyone. He gives up his sword,"Ginryū" (銀竜; Japanese for Silver Dragon?), as the price to use Mokona to cross dimensions and return to his home world. He quickly bonds with Syaoran, who he trains in swordsmanship and helps overcome his blind right eye. He is constantly teased by Fay, who calls him a variety of nicknames, though he also is able to tell Fay's true nature, and Mokona, whose cute nature Kurogane cannot stand, preferring to refer to Mokona as a "white pork bun." or "white manju bun." Though he initially has no interest in helping restore Sakura's memory, he eventually finds himself risking his life for the group. He is voiced by Tetsu Inada in Japanese, and by Christopher Sabat in English.

Kurogane is the son of the lord of the Suwa Province and the miko who protects the area with a magical barrier. He trains under his father in swordsmanship, wishes to become stronger so he can protect those he loves, and he cares for his mother, who has tuberculosis. Eventually, Fei Wong Reed floods the area with demons, which leads to the death of his father, and Reed personally kills Kurogane's mother through a dimensional portal. Kurogane goes into a rage, killing all of the demons while grasping his mother's body, and he is only calmed by Tomoyo. He eventually becomes a personal retainer for Tomoyo, but his ideals change from protecting those he loves to just gaining strength and finding his mother's killer. He eventually learns that the whole attack is part of Reed's plan to make him a pawn, but interference from Yuko causes Tomoyo to reach him first. His real name in the anime during his childhood was Haganemaru, instead of You-oh but he later changed it to Kurogane after his parents' death. Both he and Fay changed their name before the series; from Yui to Fay and Haganemaru (during the anime series) to Kurogane.

Kurogane is an expert swordsman, who originally used a replica of his father's sword, Ginryū, opting to have the original buried with his mother in place of his father's remains. After giving the sword to Yuko, he obtains Sōhi (蒼氷; Japanese for Blue Ice?), which he initially stores with Mokona, though Fay eventually gives him the ability to summon it from his left hand. After he cuts off his left arm to save Fay, he is granted an artificial arm from Piffle World, though it feels odd to him. In Nihon, Tomoyo gives him the real Ginryū, admitting that she never buried it. He learns that the curse is actually a protective charm, and his only loss of strength was the loss of his arm, which helps him realize that "true strength" is protecting those close to him. He most often uses the technique, Hama Ryū-ō Jin, which is his father's trademark. In the final confrontation with Fei Wang Reed, Kurogane finally gains his revenge by delivering the fatal blow to Fei Wang Reed in chapter 230. It is implied that Kurogane travels with Fay and Syaoran after the series ends.

Mokona Modoki

Mokona Modoki (モコナ=モドキ?) refers to two rabbit-like creatures created by Yūko Ichihara and Clow Reed in preparation for the events in Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle and xxxHolic, as well as to stop Fei Wong Reed's plans and save the "two futures". The white Mokona travels with Syaoran's group, while the black Mokona stays in Yūko's shop. Both are based upon the original Mokona, who Yūko and Clow encountered while Mokona was traveling through different worlds. Mokona provided Yūko and Clow with the knowledge of alternate dimensions.

The white Mokona, whose real name is Soel, is given to Syaoran's group by Yuko in exchange for their most-valued possessions. Although they are genderless, it is suggested in the drama CDs that Soel is female, and the black Mokona, Larg, is male. Mokona has many abilities, including traveling to different worlds, teleporting objects from one world to another, sensing strong auras, and allowing people from other worlds to communicate. She also prides herself on her "108 Secret Skills" that include things like voice imitation. With the help of the black Mokona, the white Mokona is able to stay in contact with Yūko, though she also speaks to the black Mokona during their dreams. The Mokonas are voiced by Mika Kikuchi in the Japanese and Carrie Savage in the English version.

Mokona is responsible for locating Sakura's feathers, and whenever one is around, it goes "mekkyo" for an instant, which alerts the others. Mokona is a very cheerful, optimistic and energetic being, and loves to tease Kurogane, who occasionally uses violence to get back at her. She has a red earring, which is used to enhance magical power. It is used to help Kurogane and Fay escape the closing Selece Country.

*Heheheh... akku posting yg protagonist na dLu^^ yg antagonis ntran ajha yhuaaa... XDDD
smpe ktmu lgie XP* d^^b